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Transportation Minister Hopes the Use of Electric Vehicles Continue to Improve

By Cpiet Rabu, 24 Juli 2024 Pengunjung (16) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi hopes that the use of electric vehicles, particularly in public transportation, could be improved.

Minister Budi, in his statement highlights that the use of electric vehicles could suppress the high pollution rate in Indonesia.

He hopes that there will be more people using electric vehicles in the future with many electric vehicle options being provided. With the mass production of electric vehicles, the green and sustainable transportation in Indonesia can be quickly realized.

He also noted that the ecosystem of electric vehicle batteries can be developed domestically as the price is high, which is 30-40 percent of the electric vehicle price.

“Other than importing the battery from other countries, our job is to also conduct comprehensive research. In this effort, we are collaborating with universities to develop electric vehicle batteries that are cheaper in price and more sustained in use,” explained Minister Budi.

Recently, the government has released various regulations and policies to accelerate the Battery Based Electric Motor Vehicle (KBLBB) program for road transportation.

One of the efforts from the Ministry of Transportation is through a fiscal incentive policy for type test rates and Type Test Certificate rates, both for new KBLBB and converted vehicles.

Lastly, the Minister invites the public to use public transportation as the quality of buses are getting better.


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