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Following up on the North Sumatra Governor's Regulation on the Acceleration of Covid-19 Response, the North Sumatra Regioal Police Advises Businesses to Obey Operating Hours

By Cpiet Sabtu, 29 Mei 2021 Pengunjung (9) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Medan. Following up on the North Sumatra Governor’s instruction to comply operating operating hour for bussinesses, the North Sumatra Regional Police will not hesitate to close down businesses that violate the instruction. Head of Public Affairs Division of North Sumatra Regional Police, Police Grand Commissioner Hadi Wahyudi, explained, The North Sumatra Regional Police along with Regional Military Command (Kodam) I/BB and Covid-19 Task Force will keep implementing Justice Operation to reduce the spread of Covid-19. The Justice Operation was held simultaneously in all regions in North Sumatra Province, Violations were still found. There were people who did not comply with health protocol when doing activities outside their home. Head of Public Affairs of North Sumatra Regional Police said in the implementation of Justice Operation on May 18-25, 2021, the North Sumatra Regional Police had carried out 16,142 activities such as public outreach and advising people to follow health protocols. "The Justice Operation Period we held was along with the continuation ofphase 1 insulation at 73 security posts North Sumatra. The officers also gave verbal warnings to 29,592 people and 6,444 written warnings. There were still many people who were ignorant and did not follow health procol such as not wearing mask, gather in crowd and disobeying operational hour,"as explained by Head of Public Affairs of the North Sumatra Regional Police. Further, he explained in the Covid-19 Justice Operation, the Regional Police also followed up the Governor's Regulation Number 33 Year 2020 by visiting number of business locations that were still operating even though there was a regulation on operating hour restriction. Head of Public Affairs of North Sumatra Regional Police also emphasized the regulation related to Covid-19 response in North Sumatera. There is Governor of North Sumatra's Regulation No: 33/2020 on the implementation of the adaptation of new normal in order to accelerate the handling of Covid-19; and Governor of North Sumatra's Instruction Number 188.54 / 10 / INST / 2021 dated 18 to 31 May 2021 on the extension of the implementation of PPKM (community activity restriction) micro in order to control the spread of Covid-19 in North Sumatra.
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